Dracula was real


Dracula was a real person

There is the fictional Count Vampire Dracula and the real Prince Dracula. The character of Count Dracula, popularized by Bram Stoker’s books and subsequent movies, is well-known. However, it’s essential to recognize that Bram Stoker’s portrayal is purely fictional, although inspired by the facts and tales of Prince Vlad Dracula.

The historical Dracula (Vlad the Impaler) or Vlad III, commonly known as Vlad Țepeș or Vlad Dracula was not a Count but a Prince and ruler. His significance in Wallachian history extends beyond the vampire theme associated with his name. The vampire tale is virtually absent in Romanian culture. Unlike the blood-sucking vampires we encounter in other traditions, in Romanian folklore vampires draw vital energy (present in the blood) from humans, often from a distance.

The name “Dracula” has roots in the old Romanian word for “dragon,” which later evolved to mean “devil” in modern Romanian. Both Vlad’s father (known as “the Dragon” or “Dracul”) and Vlad Dracula were members of the Chivalric Order called The Order of the Dragon. This order was dedicated to protecting Christianity and combating its enemies, primarily Ottoman Muslims, during the medieval eve. At present day, Turkey and Romania have excellent relations with each other and collaborate on may fields, being both NATO members and having good trade relations, for instance.

During Vlad Ţepeş Dracula’s reign, he was described as both cruel and just by various sources. However, most of his "evil" facts were depicted by his enemies or political rivals. Some of his actions, by today’s standards, could be considered genocide and war crimes. He executed tens of thousands of people, often impaling them, creating gruesome displays to strike terror in his enemies and opponents. Some tales even suggest he had an affinity for the blood of those executed. His preferred method of execution was impalement, but he employed other methods as well, including nails in heads, cutting off limbs, strangulation, burning, cutting off noses and ears, mutilation of sexual organs, scalping, skinning, exposure to the elements or to animals, and boiling alive.

Despite Dracula's notorious cruelty, Romanian people remember him as a noble chivalric hero of justness who defended the country and fought corruption and wanted wellness and prosperity for his people. While there are no records of Dracula ever opposing the Christian Church, some of his punishment methods were extreme, even for medieval times and probably only equaled by the Medieval Inquisition. It’s essential to consider the context of his era, where fear played a significant role in maintaining order and political power. Medieval morality differed significantly from our present-day standards.

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