Romania is a very Christian country


Romania is a very Christian country

Nowadays, approximately 99% of the Romanians identify themselves as Christians. Historically, non-Christians were denied citizenship until the late 19th century, and even then, faced obstacles and limited rights. Romania is a secular state, and it has no state religion. The laws of Romania establish the freedom of religion as well as outlawing religious discrimination.

About 87% of Romanians are part of the Eastern Orthodox Church. The Eastern Orthodox Church is wrongly associated in origin with the Slavic cultures, which, in truth, are also mainly of Orthodox faith because they were Christianized by the Byzantine Roman Empire. In fact, Eastern Orthodoxy, also known as Byzantine Christianity, was the religion of the Ancient Easter Roman Empire or Byzantine Empire. Byzantine Empire was in fact the Ancient Roman Empire and the continuation of it with the capital in Constantinople instead of Rome, and of course, it was the centre of the world and the most influential culture at that time. Basically, Eastern Orthodoxy faith is the ancestry of the Ancient Roman Empire just as it is Roman Catholicism.

About 7% of Romanians belong to Catholicism (Roman and Greek)

About 5% of Romanians belong to Protestantism.

In Romania there are also tiny communities of Islam believers, about 0.4%, and tiny communities of Judaism, and there is also a tiny percentage of the population who is Atheist or Agnostic.

About 94% of the Romanian population follows the religion of the ancestry of the Roman Empire (Catholic Christianity and Orthodox Christianity).

Christian communities are united and coexist peacefully with other Christian groups, sometimes having common sermons and rituals that they perform tougher, sometimes in certain events, even Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants together, as a testament of Christian unity in Romania.

Of course, modern Romanians are not that religious in practice, but they do respect their Christian religious tradition and heritage very much, and they do have a sense of belonging.

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