Romania: developing modern infrastructure


Romania is developing a modern infrastructure

In Romania, a survey from 2018 showed that 93% of respondents were unhappy with the country’s road infrastructure and 85% with the rail network. Romania's infrastructure is fairly extensive, with about 103671 kilometers/64276 miles of roads, 11385 kilometers/7058 miles of railroad, and 3.84 million main telephone/data lines. But most of it was in a poor state of repair, due to decades of underinvestment. But, at this moment Romania is developing a modern infrastructure and has extensive repair programs for existing infrastructure.

Romania is planning a massive program of transport infrastructure improvements and repairs, including the construction of 1700 km of motorway. A budget of 17 billion Euro has been set for 2021-2027, this includes also the EU founding. 118 million Euro was recently approved under the Connecting Europe Facility, EU's grant scheme for transport infrastructure.

Romania's Internet infrastructure is highly developed and competitive. By average fixed broadband speed in 2023 Romania is in fourth position worldwide, with an average of 232 Mbps. In year 2023, Internet speed in Romania is almost three times faster than the global average. It is in the world's top five cheapest broadband Internet prices with an average price of RON 35 (7 EURO or USD 7.57) per month for a broadband Internet package.

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